What is prototyping and why is it important to my product?

You already know that you company or agency doesn't have a dollar to waste but that is exactly what can happen when it comes time to turn your ideas into an actual digital product. You and your team have painstakingly crafted your message and designed your pages or screens but when it comes time to give it to a developer what you get back is not what you had in mind. That's where prototyping comes in.

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Prototyping is the spirit of your application. How different elements react to the user; what happens when a user taps on a post or swipes a page, this can not be conveyed through static images. These interactions are not standardized and vary greatly depending on the message you want to convey. Well shouldn't a programmer know what I want? The answer is usually no. Programmers program they are not interaction designers or user experience experts usually. Plus an mobile developer can cost upward of $200 dollars an hour. Is that what you want to spend and you still may not get what you want? I like you have seen multi-billion dollar companies who have relied on individuals who do not study customer interactions and usability create apps that just don't work.

For far less than a programmer's hourly rate we can work out exactly how your website, mobile site, or mobile app should interact with the users and it's based on your preference not hoping on your part and guessing on the programmers part.

We can make sure your product looks and behaves exactly how you want it to. Go from being just another app to something that gets you noticed and people talking.

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